Make professional business cards
To make the business cards template "Business" select the wallpaper!

Please enter all the data in the form:

Firm - Company:
Description activity:
VAT / Tax number:
Description (1'):
Description (2'):
Position Job Title:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
Phone number:
Site Web:

Privacy: the inserted data are not saved!

Select your favorite character!

Helvetica Courier Times New Roman

The character selected will be used for all the data

Color Palette

Choose colors suited to the background selected

Choose your color
Name and Company

For any other element

Font style of character?

Normal Bolder

In case of a very dark wallpaper, you can increase the contrast and highlight

Select a background!

wallpaper orange card
wallpaper blue card
wallpaper gold card
wallpaper yellowe card
light green background ticket
wallpaper violet cards
If you have your background to be included

If you have got a personal trademark or an background from your computer, insert it. Indicate the path of the image using a max size of 310x185px - upload max 1 MB. The image is scaled proportionally or used as a filling for the background...

Background type: Image adapted Real image scaled proportionally

Choose the size of printer fonts

For name: Name Name Name
For Firm / Company: Company Company Company
For any other element: other other

Border? It can serve to center modules?


To help the cutting of cards or to center modules precut

Setting print margins!

By setting the margins you can print on any templates of precut or prefory cards, 10 pc. a page


To check the preview
of your business card

anteprima di stampa

(enable popup!)

The systems to process business cards for children are a lot, if you know some graphic programs and thanks to the gif and clipart images it is not difficult... Moreover, there are many freeware. Nevertheless if you are reading these lines, maybe you are lazy... you might not like doing odd jobs.
If you want to put up a good show with your buddies or give your telephone number to your mate, I ideated for you this site of children cards online where you can make and print them in a click! Choose one of the colour wallpaper for children that I have created, write your personal details, choose the colours and view the preview, if all is ok, print it, take the scissors or, better, a ruler and a paper-cutter and cut! That’s it! It’s easy, isn’t it? I have tried to develop a user-friendly and convenient system that anybody can use, completely without any informatics know-how. I hope my performance is good... Obviously, you cannot meet any child’s requirements, each to his own, the ideas are very different... I only wish it stands somebody in good stead... To get a catching result, especially for this template where the bright colours have to highlight,
I recommend you to use some special bright paper, card paper or a thin board and to print using a high graphic resolution. Your business card or visiting card reflects what you are, so do not skimp...

And now enjoy yourself!